Sipsource Releases March 2023 Data

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The Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA)’s SipSource has announced the release of March 2023 data. The latest verified data release is compiled from 17 wholesalers representing 60% of the U.S. alcohol market by volume.

“Our top priority is creating a data set that provides subscribers with the best possible comparables for trend analysis and business intelligence,” said SipSource Analyst and industry veteran Dale Stratton. “We can now break down wine analysis by region, subregion, and nearly 200 appellations — and that’s just the start of the enhancements subscribers can expect in 2023.”

New wholesaler contributors include Eder Brothers, Inc., Allied Beverage Group (NJ), Imperial Beverage and Opici Family Distributing (CT), enabling subscribers to analyze state-specific data for wine in eleven states (AZ, CO, CT, FL, KY, MD, MI, NJ, OR, SC, VA) and spirits in eight states (AZ, CO, CT, FL, KY, NJ, SC, WA) plus Washington, D.C. March 2023 wine data can be further broken down within 11 regions, 38 subregions and 190 appellations.

The data identifies a +3.6% on-premise growth for the 12 months ending March 2023, and new regional data gives a clearer picture as to regions driving growth — Santa Barbara County (+20.5%), Bordeaux (+11.6%), San Luis Obispo (+7.2%), ) and Provence (+4.8%).

“The ability to analyze the business by channel (on- vs. off-premise) and all sub-channels across the entire three-tier landscape is invaluable in understanding trends and opportunities,” said Sipsource Analyst Danny Brager. “Additionally, the ability to aggregate brands to a relevant competitive set for individual suppliers, along with a ‘customized’ set of states specific to suppliers as part of the new custom reporting capability are further benefits of SipSource.”

Additional expected enhancements to WSWA’s SipSource in 2023 include new custom reporting features, the addition of data from control states through the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA), trend analysis of flavored spirits by category, additional price tier analysis and revenue reporting.


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