Drinks Sector Helps Drive U.S. Job Growth

The U.S. Department of Labor released sunny figures for job growth from July, with gains in the food and drinks sector helping boost American employment.

“Employment in food services and drinking places rose by 53,000 in July,” the report says. “The industry has
added 313,000 jobs over the year.”

In a jointly released statement, both the The Distilled Spirits Council (DISCUS) and American Beverage Licensees (ABL) lauded the findings of the report for the industry.

“America’s beer, wine and spirits retailers continue to the lead the way when it comes to providing good-paying jobs in their communities,” says John Bodnovich, ABL executive director. “Bars, taverns and package stores support their local, state and national economies and will continue to work with industry partners, regulators and lawmakers to sustain continued growth in the beverage industry.”

“The hospitality sector is one of the core pillars of the U.S. economy – directly supporting nearly 11.8 million jobs,” says Kraig R. Naasz, DISCUS president and CEO. “It is a testament to the strong growth of the spirits sector, and overall hospitality sector, that it was a highlight of a robust jobs report.”

DISCUS estimates that overall retail sales of distilled spirits in the U.S. market reached nearly $78 billion in 2016, supporting more than 1.4 million jobs.

According to today’s report from the DOL’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 209,000 in July.


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